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DPIRD Collections

Grains and field crops


Trial 88EB18

Location: East Beverley Research Station

Impeded early root growth.

Using aerial photography and crop growth data from previous seasons we identified areas on the site where crops grow well or poorly. One of the factors implicated in the poor growth areas is impeded early root growth (see Belford et al. and Tennant et at., 1990 Experimental Summaries, this section). Here we describe the problem and outline possible causes.

Trial 88EB18

Growth and yield of wheat and lupin crops at East Beverley.

Location: East Beverley Research Station.

To measure the growth and yield of wheat and lupin crops in relation to waterlogging and other soil factors on the Duplex soil at East Beverley.

Trial 88EB18

Water use and water efficiency of wheat and lupins at East Beverley.

Based on observations made in 1988 and 1989, poor and good crop growth areas were identified. Several studies were undertaken on these areas to identify constraints to crop growth and to measure responses to ameliorative treatments. this report describes results of soil water measurements made to describe:

1. Water infiltration and water extraction patterns of wheat and lupins at poor and good growth areas.

2. Water use and water use efficiencies of wheat and lupins at poor and good growth areas.

3. Effects of treatments used to improve root penetration in the sand (Deep ripping) and to improve the permeability of the clay (Deep ripping and deep placement of gypsum) on water infiltration, extraction and use.

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Western Australia


Agronomy and Crop Sciences | Fresh Water Studies | Soil Science


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