Publication Date
Document Type
DPIRD Collections
Grains and field crops
Aims: Determine the factors affecting the fate of native and applied potassium on sandplain soils.
Define current and residual response curve parameters for potassium applications.
Develop recommendations for the economic management of soil potassium levels.
Trial 88BA46
Maintenance application rates of potassium on sandplain soils.
Location: Badgingarra Research Station.
Fertilizer: Pastures and L. cosentinii - 200 kg/ha Super topdressed, wheat - 100 kg/ha Super topdressed, 120 kg/ha Agras No 1 drilled, lupins - 240 kg/ha Super Mn drilled. Urea topdressed on wheat on 26 June, 100 kg/ha.
Trial 88TS69
Maintenance application rates of potassium on sandplain soils
Location: North Eneabba.
Fertilizer: Pastures and L. cosentinii - 150 kg/ha Super topdressed, wheat - 65 kg/ha Super topdressed, 120 kg/ha Agras No 1 drilled, lupins - 165 kg/ha Super drilled. Urea topdressed on wheat on 5 July, 100 kg/ha.
Trial 89KO26
Maintenance application rates of potassium on sandplain soils.
Location: Kojaneerup Research Block
Fertilizer: Pastures - 200 kg/ha Super topdressed, barley - 100 kg/ha Super topdressed, 120 kg/ha Agras No 1 drilled, lupins - 200 kg/ha Super Mn drilled.
Trial 89BA24
Residual value of potassium on sandplain soils.
Location: Badgingarra Research Station.
Fertilizer: Pastures - 200 kg/ha Super topdressed, lupins - 240 kg/ha Super Mn drilled.
Trial 90MO60
Potassium requirements of pastures on the sandplain soils of Western Australia.
Location: Bibby Springs.
Fertilizer: 200 kg/ha Super Cu Zn Mo topdressed.
Number of Pages
Western Australia
Agronomy and Crop Sciences | Fresh Water Studies | Soil Science | Weed Science
Recommended Citation
Edwards, N K.
(1990), Potassium nutrition of pastures on the sandplain soils of Western Australia.. Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia, Perth. Report.
Included in
Agronomy and Crop Sciences Commons, Fresh Water Studies Commons, Soil Science Commons, Weed Science Commons