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DPIRD Collections
Grains and field crops
Trial 90ME8, 9 and 10
Location: Bencubbin.
90ME8. Deep loamy sand. pH(CaC12) = 4.9 at surface and 3.7 at 50 cm.
90ME9. Sand over clay at 25-30 cm. pH(CaC12) = 5.7 at surface and 8.3 at 50 cm. 90ME10. Sandy loam over clay at 15 cm. pH(CaC12) = 5.5 at surface and 8.4 at 50 cm
Trial 90ME11 and 13
Location: Totadgin.
90ME11. Deep loamy sand. pH (CaC12) = 4.5 at surface and 3.9 at 50 cm. 90ME13. Loamy sand over sandy clay at 10 cm. pH (CaC12) = not yet available due to instrument difficulties.
Trial 90ME14, 15 and 16
Location: Mt Walker
90ME14. Deep loamy sand. pH (CaC12) = 5.6 at surface and 4.9 at 50 cm.
90ME15. Sand over clay at 15-20 cm. pH (CaC12) = 5.2 at surface, and 7.0 at 50 cm.
90ME16. Sand over sandy clay loam at 10 cm. pH (CaC12) = 5.0 at surface, and 5.1 at 50 cm.
Trial 90LG69, 70 and 71
Location: Bendering
90LG69. Deep loamy sand. pH (CaCl2) = 4.7 at surface and 3.8 at 50 cm.
90LG70. Sand over clay at 20 cm. pH (CaCl2) = 5.9 at surface, and 6.8 at 50 cm. 90LG71. Sand over sandy clay loam at 10 cm. pH (CaC12) = 5.5 at surface, and 7.9 at 50 cm.
Trial 90ME69 and 90ME70
Location: Bodallin
90ME69. Deep loamy sand. pH(CaC12) = 5.3 at surface and 5.2 at 50 cm. 90ME70. Sand over clay at 25 cm. pH (CaCl2) = not yet available due to instrument difficulties
Trial 90M67
Hydraulic conductance in grain legume species.
Location: CSIRO research block, Merredin.
Wirrega peas sown at 20,40 and 90 kg/ha and Danja lupins at 80, 120 and 160 kg/ha into moist soil on 15/6/1990. 20 mm water applied to 1 m2 quadrats on 4/9/1990, and lowest leaves of selected plants covered with Al foil. On 5/9/1990 adaxial and abaxial leaf conductance and transpiration was measured using a diffusive resistance porometer on four plants from each quadrat and leaf water potential was measured on the same leaves, at intervals throughout the day. The water potentials of the covered leaves were measured as an estimate of root water potential. The quadrats were harvested on 6/9/1990 and leaf area and dry weight were determined.
Trial 90ME5
Stunted patch syndrome in lupins.
Location: Merredin
Acid Yellow-brown loamy sand. For chemical properties see under lupin patch survey.
Number of Pages
Western Australia
Agronomy and Crop Sciences | Soil Science
Recommended Citation
French, R J.
(1990), Grain legume adaptation to soil type. Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia, Perth. Report.