
P. Evans

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DPIRD Collections

Grains and field crops


Trial 86KA64, 86KA65 and 86KA66

Performance of annual legumes and their mixtures under different crop:pasture rotations.

Seed reserves, especially in the 1:1 rotation treatment, are on average below 100 kg/ha and in many cases below 50 kg/ha for all three soil types. Because of this the 1991 season will be used to fertilize, control weeds, and apply a grazing management system to favour legume production and seed set. No crop will be sown in 1991.

Sub clover flowering, sequential sowings.

Location: Katanning

To provide seven different temperature and photoperiod regimes, eight cultivars of sub clover ranging in maturity from Nungarin to Meteora were sown in pots at Katanning at the beginning of every month from April until October. A cultivar was considered to be flowering when half the plants had at least one inflorescence. Pots were watered as required.

Developing effective rhizobial inoculatnts for lucerne in W.A.

Location: Esperance

To gather preliminary data on the effectiveness of different rhizobial strains in W.A. soils, a trial sown at Esperance in 1989 was sampled in January, 1991. The trial contained three lucerne cultivars, namely, Siriver, Aurora and Trifecta and five inoculum treatments (Table 1)

There had been no effective rain in the four months before sampling.

Trial 89KA6

Sheep and pasture production under set stocking or strip (ration) grazing.

Location: Kojonup.

The effects of set stocked and ration grazing systems on the amount of dry matter on offer, pasture production, composition and seed production, were monitored at Kojonup during the 1990 growing season.

Number of Pages



Western Australia


Agronomy and Crop Sciences | Fresh Water Studies | Soil Science
