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Document Type


DPIRD Collections

Grains and field crops


Trial 87V8

Development and management of cattle pastures in the high rainfall zone.

To compare the effect of pasture species, pasture management and grazing management on pasture quantity, quality and cattle production.

Phalaris evaluation

In 1989 ninety three lines of Phalaris agrundinacea backcross with P. aquatica, bred by Dr. R.N. Oram (CSIRO Canberra) were drilled sown into unreplicated 10m single row plots at Vasse Research Station. In addition 7 controls (with two replications) were planted. Similar trials were planted by Mr. L. Cransberg (Albany) and Dr. R.N. Oram (Bendigo).

Evaluation of annual and short term rotation ryegrass.

The increasing range of annual and short term rotation ryegrasses have been evaluated in the high rainfall regions of the South West since 1986. To dat promising later maturing cultivers such as Concord (in particular), Progrow, Aristrocarat have consistently outyielded the standard early maturing cultivar Wimmera during the early winter period and in spring.

Trial 5812

Organochlorine residues in soil and plant.

Location: Bunbury Regional Office

To determine the relationship between soil and plant Dieldrin contamination in vegetables.

Trial 88BY27,28; 88BU24,25, 88MA47.48

Organochlorine residues in soil plant and in the body of wool fat of wethers.

Location: Brookhampton, Donnybrook, Jindong, Manjimup Carbunup and Pemberton

The accumulation and rundown of Dieldrin in wethers.

The background, aims, experimental method, and the first years results and discussion have been reported in the 1989 experimental summary.

The latter phase of the study was continued until December 1990 on six of the sites. (these were Brookhampton, Donnybrook, Jindong, Manjimup Carbunup and Pemberton) with similar measurements being obtained at regular intervals. The sheep monitored during this phase were the 1989 main mob and the 1989 replacement mob.

Number of Pages



Western Australia


Agronomy and Crop Sciences | Fresh Water Studies | Organic Chemistry
