Publication Date
Document Type
DPIRD Collections
Grains and field crops
Trial 89AL43, 90AL50, 90KO16
A preliminary survey using 14N:15N natural abundance to assess N2 fixation by pasture legumes in the field.
Location: Albany.
1. Develop a sampling methodology for the 1990 farm survey.
2. An initial assessment of nitrogen fixation by pasture legumes in the field.
Trial 90MT70
Using 14N:15N natural abundance to assess N2-fixation by subterranean clover.
Location Mount Barker Research Station
To examine symbiotic nitrogen fixation by subterranean clover, in detail, through one season in a productive pasture. To better assess the point in the season at which as one time sampling would most accurately determine the proportion of nitrogen fixed, integrated over the growing season for subclover.
Number of Pages
Western Australia
Agronomy and Crop Sciences | Design of Experiments and Sample Surveys | Inorganic Chemistry
Recommended Citation
Sanford, P.
(1990), A survey using 14N:15N natural abundance of the N fixation by pasture legumes in the field and of factors affecting fixation. Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia, Perth. Report.
Included in
Agronomy and Crop Sciences Commons, Design of Experiments and Sample Surveys Commons, Inorganic Chemistry Commons