Publication Date
Document Type
DPIRD Collections
Grains and field crops
Trial 89ME1 and 90ME5
Stunt patch disorder of lupins.
Location: Merredin.
Studies on the disorder have been initiated (89ME1 and 90ME5) on two sites 15 km south of Merredin. This report will summarize data on:
1) The soil;
2) Soil strength and lupin emergence on 90ME5; and
3) Soil chemical and physical characteristics associated with the patches on 89ME1 (investigations by A. Thomson for B Sc (Agric) dissertation).
Trial 90PE56
Understanding the importance of moisture and temperature in the seedbed on establishment of lupin.
However, despite their importance in determining the success of establishment, there have been few attempts to measure seedbed temperature and moisture, let alone their effects on pre-emergent growth. This project is investigating the impact of sub-optimal seedbed temperature and moisture on lupin establishment. It is essential to define and understand these factors so that: i) management guidelines to early sowing can be established; and ii) seasonal and soil-type variability in crop establishment can be accounted for.
Number of Pages
Western Australia
Agronomy and Crop Sciences | Fresh Water Studies | Soil Science
Recommended Citation
Dracup, M.
(1990), Stunt patch disorder of lupins.. Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia, Perth. Report.