Publication Date


Document Type


DPIRD Collections

Grains and field crops


Trial 90NO104, 90NO111, 90NO112, 90MO53

Associated Work: 90N0105,111,112, 90M053,54, 55 and 56

Wheat responses to levels, sources and times of application of nitrogen.

Location: Southern Brook, Regan's Ford

This project characterizes the dynamics of nitrogen supply to a wheat crop at each of the sites on which various methods of making fertilizer recommendation were tested. It supposedly provides the "optimum" nitrogen fertilizer regime as well as detailed information on nitrogen supply and demand so that results can be made transferable to other situations.

Trial 90NO105, 90NO112, 90M054

Related trials: 90N0104, 105,111,112; 90M053,54,55 and 56

Tactical nitrogen application for wheat.

Location: Southern Brook, Regan's Ford

The project compares tactical and strategic methods for determining nitrogen requirements of wheat. The tactical methods depend on updating estimates of yield potential and nitrogen status of the crop as the season progresses.

Number of Pages



Western Australia


Agronomy and Crop Sciences | Inorganic Chemistry | Organic Chemistry
