Publication Date
Document Type
DPIRD Collections
Biosecurity, pests, weeds and diseases
Trial90V1 and 90W1
Assessment of pasture productivity in subterranean clover pastures infected with SCMV.
Location: Woogenellup, Vasse and Wokalup.
These trials measure SCMV disease progress, herbage and seed production losses in Woogenellup pasture swards which are: (i) initially artificially infected by using infected transplants in the first year; and ii) naturally infected via seed transmission of the virus in year two. Trials are grazed by sheep throughout the season, maintaining the pasture height at less than 20 cm.
Trial 90PE5
Assessment of sensitivity/resistance to subterranean clover mottle virus in selected subterranean clover cultivars.
Location: Pemberton
Subterranean clover cultivars, recommended for growing in areas where SCMV has been found, and known to be susceptible to the SCMV following sap-inoculation in the glasshouse were assessed for susceptibility to SCMV. Included are measurements of herbage and seed productivity loss due to the disease. Seed transmission of SCMV in newly germinated progeny seedling from infected plants is also examined.
Trial 89GL17
The effect of AMV on nodulation of burr medic.
To date, there is no information comparing virus concentrations in the nodules and shoots to determine preferred sites for virus multiplication or whether virus concentration declines in shoots and nodules as plants age. The aims of this experiment were to examine which of these factors limited nitrogen fixation in burr medic nodules infected with 'AMV.
Number of Pages
Western Australia
Agronomy and Crop Sciences | Biodiversity
Recommended Citation
Wroth, R.
(1990), Losses causes by and control of important seed-borne virus diseases affecting productivity of annual pasture legumes.. Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia, Perth. Report.