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DPIRD Collections

Grains and field crops


Trial 89M3

Interaction of season with wheat response to nitrogen fertilizer.

Location: Merredin Research Station.

History: 1988 pasture.

Sown on 30/5/89. Gutha Wheat at 50 kg/ha Madiera Serradella at 15 kg/ha. Basal superphosphate at 200 kg/ha plus Molybdenum drilled with the seed and 100 kg/ha Muriate of Potash topdressed. At seeding (A.S) nitrogen treatments topdressed by hand on 1/6/89 and 4 weeks after (4WAS) treatments applied on 29/6/89. Supplementary water applied.

Trial 89NA61

Pasture deterioration trial.

Location: West Dale

History: Long term pasture dominated by non-productive 'suffocating clover'.

Trial 88NA88

Effect of clover growth on nitrogen for following cereals.

Location: Yealering.

History: Clover dominant pasture 1986. Cereal 1987 (soil K 30 ppm pH 5.1). Super x KC1 on pasture trial in 1988 (see 1988 results summary).

Number of Pages



Agronomy and Crop Sciences | Inorganic Chemistry | Organic Chemistry | Soil Science
