Publication Date


Document Type


DPIRD Collections

Grains and field crops


Project: Potassium nutrition of pastures on the sandplain soils of Western Australia.

Determine the factors affecting the fate of native and applied potassium on sandplain soils.
Define current and residual response curve parameters for potassium applications. Develop recommendations for the economic management of soil potassium levels.

Trial 88B46, 88TS69, 89KO26

Maintenance application rates of potassium on sandplain soils.

Location: Badgingarra Research Station, new block, North Eneabba, Kojaneerup Research Block.

Trial 89BA24

Residual value of potassium on sandplain soils.

Location: Badgingarra Research Station

Trial 89MT46,

Potassium requirements of sub clover.

Location: Mt Barker Research Station.

Project: Potassium nutrition of lupins on the sandplain soils of Western Australia.

Develop recommendations for optimal K fertilizer application strategies for lupin production.
Further develop soil and tissue test calibrations for lupin grain production.

Trial 89EC32, 89GE90, 89TS56, 89MO51

Location East Chapman Research Station, Allanooka, West Three Springs, Lancelin,

Number of Pages



Western Australia


Agronomy and Crop Sciences | Organic Chemistry | Soil Science
