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DPIRD Collections

Grains and field crops


Trial 87E6, 87MT45, 87SG11, 87ES8

Locations: Esperance Downs Research Station, Mount Barker Research Station, Salmon Gums Research Station, Melijinup Field Station,

Barley variety x time of planting

To study phenological development and its effect on yield in a range of barley cultivars at four planting dates.

Trial 87E42

Aphicide toxicology x barley variety.

Location: EDRS

To measure the effect of disulfoton (Disyston *R) applied as granules at seeding on barley, to determine if there is any phytotoxicity.

Trial 87ES40, 87E32

Barley variety x cereal aphids.

Location: Malijinup Field Station, Esperance Downs Research Station

To study the development of cereal aphids on eight varieties of barley, and to measure their effects on plant dry matter production and grain yield.

Trial 87E31

Barley variety x seeding rate x planting date.

Location: Esperance Downs Research Station.

To determine the optimum seeding rate for "Winter" and "Spring" barley varieties at planting dates appropriate to each.

Trial 87E7

Barley powdery mildew : effect on nitrogen response.

Location: Esperance Research Station

To study the interaction between the nitrogen nutrition of barley and the foliar disease, powdery mildew.

Trial 87ES1, 87E2

Nitrogen nutrition and time of sowing for Winter and Spring barley varieties.

Location: Neridup, Esperance Downs Research Station.

To determine the optimum rate and timing of applied nitrogen to Winter and Spring barley varieties at their most appropriate planting dates.

Trial 87ES7, 87ES6

Barley varieties: Time of planting x time of flowering.

Location: Esperance Downs Research Station.

To determine the flowing response of a wide range of barley germplasm to different planting dates in a range of environments.

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Western Australia


Agronomy and Crop Sciences | Biosecurity | Inorganic Chemistry | Organic Chemistry

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