
Bradley Nutt

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DPIRD Collections

Grains and field crops


a. Trial 88GE34

Cultivar evaluation in machine sown plots.
Location: NMRS

The higher seed yield of Serena compared to the other cultivars resulted in better early forage .production as well a legume dominated pasture.

b. Trial 88TS 63 and 88TS 65

Wheat yields following pastures.
Location: 88TS63 - Perenjori and 88TS65 - Three Springs.

There was no response to nitrogen in either biological yield or grain yield of wheat sown over volunteer based pasture at the Three Springs site. All pasture treatments resulted in similar wheat yields except for Sava because of poor control of the snail medic under the crop.

At the Perenjori site, wheat yields were significantly -higher when planted over a leguminous pasture, averaging 0.73 t/ha, compared to volunteer pasture, at 0.55 t/ha with no applied nitrogen. There was no difference in wheat yield between the legume cultivar treatments.

c. Composition and growth of old Cyprus based pastures at Canna.
Location: Canna

These farmer pastures were monitored to check against the predictions in the MIDAS model.

Number of Pages



Western Australia


Agronomy and Crop Sciences | Fresh Water Studies | Organic Chemistry | Soil Science


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