Publication Date


Document Type


DPIRD Collections

Grains and field crops


Trial 87GE21

Effect of plant density on branching, pod setting and yield development of lupins.

Location: Geraldton

To determine the influence of plant density and between-plant variability in vegetative growth on the branching, pod setting and yield development of lupins

Trial 87GE9

Chemicals to control vegetative growth and improve pod set in lupins.

Location: West Binnu

To examine the effect of a number of growth regulating chemicals on the branching, pod setting and yield of lupins under conditions favoring high biomass production.

Trial 87GE19

Chemicals to control vegetative growth and improve pod set in lupins.

Location: Nabawa

To examine the effect of a number of growth regulating chemicals on the branching, pod setting and yield of lupins under conditions favouring high biomass production.

Trial 87GE72

Effect of plant density on growth and yield of lupins.

Location: South Yuna

To determine the influence of plant density on the growth, branching, pod setting and yield development of branching and reduced branching lupins under conditions producing different levels of biomass

Trial 87E34

Effect of sowing time on yield of lupin varieties.

Location: Esperance Downs Research Station.

Lupins are well adapted to the cooler, long-season environments of the southern coastal sandplain. of Western Australia. This trial aims to help establish varietal characteristics required to produce high-yielding lupin crops in the cool, long-season environment of southern Australia. The specific aim is to determine the influence of sowing date on the growth and yield of lupin varieties differing in maturity and branching habit in the south-coast environment.

LVT Sampling - 1986 and 1987 seasons - Effect of genotype and environment on growth, yield components, harvest index and yield of lupins.

Low harvest index (H.I.) is often suggested as the cause of poor lupin seed yields, and it is argued that all vegetative lupin crops have inherently poor pod set and low harvest index. By sampling LVT's across a wide range of sites in 1986 and selected sites in 1987, we aimed to determine the effect of environment on lupin growth, branching, seed yield, H.I. and yield components. Sampling of two branching genotypes and a reduced branching line would permit the assessment of genotypic effects and any G x E interactions.

Trial 87C66

Effect of maturity and sowing date on wheat and barley.

Location Chapman Research Stations

Two similar trials at North Mullewa and East Chapman were not harvested due to severe drought and high weed populations, respectively. Dr J. Hamblin's summary reports the results of three further sowing date trials.

Number of Pages



Western Australia.


Agronomy and Crop Sciences | Fresh Water Studies | Soil Science | Weed Science
