Publication Date


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DPIRD Collections

Grains and field crops


83WH29: The effect of various crop and pasture species on the growth of a subsequent wheat crop. Aim: To characterise the effect of various crop and pasture species on the growth and yield components of a subsequent wheat crop with special emphasis on the nitrogen nutrition of that crop. To provide validation data for modelling wheat growth and nitrogen uptake. Measurements: Factors to be monitored through time were; Soil moisture profiles; Mineral nitrogen profiles; Root growth profiles; Top growth and nitrogen uptake; Development score; Incidence of disease and pests.

Seasonal notes, trial design, weed diseases and pests. Results: The results are presented in the following tables. As yet they have not been subject to statistical analysis and conclusions drawn from them should be treated with caution. Table 1. Records the rainfall at WHRS in 1984. Table 2. 1983 production and estimates of nitrogen balance. Table 3. Summer dry matter balance. Table 4. Mineral nitrogen levels. Table 5. Anthesis cuts and yield components. Table 6. Dry matter production through time. Table 7. Soil nitrogen profiles. Table 8. Root lengths. Table 9. ZADOK development scores. Table 10. Water use to 2 metres depth. Table 11. Pre anthesis water use by depth. Table 12. Post anthesis water use by depth.

Number of Pages



Western Australia


Agronomy and Crop Sciences | Fresh Water Studies | Soil Science | Weed Science
