
D Miers
M Perry

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DPIRD Collections

Grains and field crops


Rates and times of application of two chlormequat formulations – 83BA45, 83C33, 83E30, 83M35, 83MT43, 83N25, 83SG23, 83WH35. Seed treatments and foliar sprays for enhancement of growth and yield of wheat - 83BA44, 83BR22, 83C32, 83E29, 83M34, 83MT42, 83N25, 83NO55, 83SG22, 83TS37, 83WH34. Chlormequat for yield increase in lupins - 83BA46, 83WH36. Rates and times of kelpak on wheat - 83BA47, 83E32, 83MT44. Appendix Summary of data from A. Rates and times of two chlormequat formulations on wheat. B. Chlormequat for yield increase in lupins C. Seed treatments and foliar sprays for enhancement of growth and yield enhancement of wheat D. rates' and times of kelpack on wheat The following summary covers the 1983 trials on several growth regulators and growth promotants as seed treatments and foliar sprays on wheat and lupins. The 1983 field programme can be subdivided into four trial types: The effects of various rates and times of application of two chlormequat formulations(cycocel and bettaquat) on wheat yield. Seed treatments and foliar sprays for enhancement of growth and yield in wheat. The products tested as seed treatments or foliar sprays include: The fish emulsions eco and reef crop booster, The chlormequats,cycocel and bettaquat The seaweed extracts,kelpak 66 and seasol(in liquid and powder) The bacterial culture,cytozyme and the nutrient mix,complesal. 3. Chlormequat(podmore) for yield increase in lupins. 4. Rates and times of kelpak on wheat. The summary gives a brief account of the results, then the individual trial details and results follow.these are grouped within each of the topics and ordered alphabetically within each grouping.

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Western Australia


Agronomy and Crop Sciences | Weed Science
