
P. Dixon

Publication Date


Document Type


DPIRD Collections

Grains and field crops


Pasture Research Programme for the Medium Rainfall Zone of W.A. - Species Selection and Management Related in Particular to the Ryegrass Toxicity Problem Since the early 1970's much of the ryegrass based pastures in the Pallinup region have been affected by Annual Ryegrass Toxicity (ARGT). Control of ryegrass by herbicides invariably leads to a reduction in the stock carrying capacity of the pasture since currently available legume species fail to grow or persist. This tendency is particularly evident on the hard setting loam soils of neutral to alkaline reaction. The aim of this project is to find alternative pasture species to ryegrass, suitable for growth on these problem soils. 1983 Trial Programme Twelve trials commenced in 1983. These were divided into five groups (i) Pasture species row evaluation, in which a range of species were grown out in small rows to determine their ability to grow and persist on heavy soils. 83KA62. 83KA63. 83KA64. 83JE28. 83JE29. (ii) Characterization of pasture species in which a number of species were grown in small plots for more detailed measurements. 83KA65. 83KA66. 83KA67. (iii) M. Murex species small plot evaluation. 83KA45. 83KA46. (iv) Replacement subclover lines for the Dwalganup cultivar. 83 KA 69. (v) Grass species small plot evaluation. 83KA68

Number of Pages



Western Australia


Agronomy and Crop Sciences | Fresh Water Studies | Soil Science | Weed Science
