Publication Date


Document Type


DPIRD Collections

Grains and field crops


Enclosed is a summary of experimental results that have been processed up to the time of writing. A statistical analysis of the figures presented is appended. The contents of this summary report include l. Replacement of undesirable cultivars of subterranean clover. 2. Evaluation of Midland B. 3. Evaluation of Trifolium subterraneum sub~species yanninicum. 4. Evaluation of Tornafield and Cyfield Medic. 5. Evaluation of Dinninup 3. 6. Flowering date trials. 7. Exotic pasture species introduction trials. 8. Kabatiella caulivora (Clover anthracnose). 9. Identification of subterranean clover cultivars. 10. Other projects. 68M06, 68NA12, 68Al0, 68ES32, 68Al6, 68AL17, 68BR25, 68BR24, 68NA31, 68NO40, 67TS1, 68BU1, 68M035, 68NO35, 68ALl7, 69ALl5,69MTl8,69MT19, 70AL3, 70BR14, 70CA1, 70ES1, 71CA1, 71CA2, 71CA3, 71MT17, 71SP1, 71GE35, 71ME14, 71MT22, 71MT13 As 71MT17, 71MT13.

Number of Pages

