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DPIRD Collections

Grains and field crops


List of experiments 78D1 - Clover varietal screening for tolerance to clover scorch - Denmark. Annual ryegrass toxicity- glasshouse experiments. Annual ryegrass toxicity- host range. 77TS35 - Second year nodulation of early flowering subterranean clovers - Bunjil. 78ME25A - The response of Nungarin subterranean clover to inoculation - on land previously sown to clover - Koorda. 78ME25B - The response of Nungarin subterranean clover to inoculation - on land new to clover - Koorda (East). 78ME25C - The response of Nungarin subterranean clover to inoculation - on old clover land - Belka. 78TS22 - The response of Nungarin subterranean clover to inoculation - East Bunjil. 78LG1 - The response of Nungarin subterranean clover to inoculation - Newdegate. 78ES36 - The effectiveness of Xanthan as an adhesive for pelleting lucerne seed - Esperance. 78ES34 - The response of a range of lucerne varieties to inoculation - Esperance. 78GE35 - The response of a range of medics to inoculation - Esperance. 78WH4 - The response of a range of medics to inoculation - Tenindewa. 78WH5 - The response of Unicrop lupins to inoculation on Elphin series sand - Wongan Hills. 78WH6 - The response of Unicrop lupins to inoculation on Wongan sandy loam - Wongan Hills.

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Western Australia


Agronomy and Crop Sciences | Soil Science | Weed Science
