
D Tennant

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DPIRD Collections

Grains and field crops


Planting systems investigation. l. Planting depths. 2. Soil water (0-lOcm) near planting. 3. Mineralised N near planting. Planting systems investigation. Two trials were initiated on each of five Research Stations in collaboration with G.A. Pearce and J.E. Holmes. Details in respect of treatments, operations, fertilisers, rainfall, yields and weed populations are provided by these officers in their respective reports. For the purposes of this report, attention is drawn to two findings of a preliminary study of similar planting systems in 1976. TABLE 1. DepthS of planting (cm). Means of 40 to 80 estimates - 77A16, 77E18, 77M13, 77MT15, 77WH17. TABLE 2. Per cent moisture (dwb) Iin surface 10cm of SOIL. Means of 3 to 6 replications - 77A16, 77E18, 77M13, 77MT15, 77WH17. TABLE 3. Ammonium N in surface 10cm of soil (ppm). Means of 3 to 6 replications - 77A16, 77E18, 77M13, 77MT15, 77WH17. TABLE 4. Nitrate N in surface 10cm of soil (ppm). Means of 3 to 6 replications - 77A16, 77E18, 77M13, 77MT15, 77WH17.

Number of Pages



Western Australia


Agronomy and Crop Sciences | Fresh Water Studies | Soil Science | Weed Science
