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Silcrete is a brittle, intensely indurated rock comprising primarily quartz grains cemented with siliceous allophane. It occurs at 1.5 to 7 metres deep and is often several metres thick and extremely hard, requiring excavation. This Report discusses the extent of silcrete layers in the north-eastern wheatbelt area of Western Australia, the effects of silcrete on water absorption by the soil, and the effects of this physical obstacle on the growth and expansion of oil mallee trees of the region.

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Perenjori region (WA), Silcrete, Western Australia, Hydrology, Dalwallinu (WA), North eastern wheatbelt region (WA), Marchagee region (WA), Oil mallee, Soil physical properties, Goodlands region (WA), Drainage, Sandy soils, Groundwater, Coorow (WA)


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