Publication Date


DPIRD Collections

Natural resources




Study scope

The scope of the study is summarised below;

 Review existing data and previous work,

 Visit Carnarvon (1 day), inspect water system facilities and convene Stakeholder Workshop No 1 with representatives from Carnarvon Growers Association, Gascoyne Water Co-operative and DAFWA. Agree 3 – 4 possible system configuration options to be investigated.

 Obtain and examine existing water quality data for artesian bore(s) incorporated within the study. Assess probable long term water quality and pumping heads.

 Develop preliminary design details for the agreed options in terms of pre-treatment, desalination and other system modifications required (eg bores, pump stations, pipelines, tanks, etc). Develop simple summary plans for each option.

 Develop capital and operating cost estimates for each option.

 Develop a cost benefit analysis and possible governance model for each option.

 Convene Stakeholder Workshop No 2 in Carnarvon and present findings. Obtain feedback including intangible pros and cons associated with each option and residual risks. Agree preferred option.

 Compile summary report and issue.

Number of Pages



Carnarvon Artesian Basin, Desalination, Irrigation, Dam construction


Hydraulic Engineering | Water Resource Management


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