Publication Date
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
DPIRD Collections
Grains and field crops, Natural resources, Horticulture
Department of Agriculture Western Australia
A Better Future for Rural WA was a conference focusing on leadership and economic development in rural WA. The conference included
o Development of leaders in rural industries and communities.
o Building more vibrant rural communities through community and economic development initiatives.
o Generating innovative approaches to value adding and marketing our agricultural produce.
o Exploring how rural WA can further build on the economic strengths of agriculture
The conference was designed to help people deal with the issues facing rural communities by showcasing new and innovative projects and practices in rural development from within Australia and overseas and showing how others have made a difference in their rural communities.
Number of Pages
Western Australia
Agribusiness | Agricultural and Resource Economics | Civic and Community Engagement
Recommended Citation
Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia,
Working Group for the Communication Strategy for the Decade of Landcare (W.A.),
Soil and Land Conservation Council (W.A.).
(1992), A Proposed Communication Strategy for the Decade of Landcare: A report by the Working Group for the Communication Strategy fir the Decade of Landcare. Department of Agriculture Western Australia, Perth. Conference Proceeding.
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Included in
Agribusiness Commons, Agricultural and Resource Economics Commons, Civic and Community Engagement Commons