Publication Date


Document Type


DPIRD Collections

Grains and field crops, Animal production and livestock


Department of Agriculture Western Australia




The report commences with a discussion of the diffusion and adoption model, and illustrates some of the research observations and practical outcomes that have emerged in recent years, An overview of social network research is presented as a means of understanding communication exchanges and providing data relevant to the diffusion debate. The communication and adoption studies are then reported in three separate sections in the order they were conducted. (A map of the location of the survey areas is shown in Figure I ) . The objectives, survey method, results and a summary are presented for each study.

A background to the dairy herd recording scheme is followed by an outline of the dairy industry itself. Two regions selected for the survey are discussed and compared.

The soil conservation study commences with an overview of soil degradation problems, government involvement and policy, and technical solutions to these problems. Consideration is also given to the importance of the human element in soil conservation policy and extension. The Central Wheatbelt (pattern of settlement, landscape, soils, vegetation, climate and land use) is described as a region. Many soil conservation problems exist here that can be generalized to other regions.

The minimum tillage enquiry first introduces the concept and technique of minimum tillage, its advantages and disadvantages. A history of the Jerramungup district, as well as details on physical aspects of the area and land use problems gives the setting of the study. Jerramungup (and the south coast region generally) is particularly prone to wind erosion and hence is valid area in which to study the diffusion of minimum tillage a technique which lessens wind erosion problems.

A final discussion compares conclusions of each study. in each are are dealt with. the three adoption situations by examining the The extension situation and communication factors Conclusions and recommendations are provided.

Number of Pages



Western Australia


Agribusiness | Agronomy and Crop Sciences | Dairy Science | Soil Science

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