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Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia




Western Australia's rangelands cover 87% of the state and include all but the south west. Pastoral leases, used for grazing livestock on native vegetation, cover 35% (874,000 km2) of the rangelands, with the balance consisting of Unallocated Crown Land (UCL) and land vested for conservation and Indigenous purposes. There are currently 459 registered pastoral stations (comprised of 51 O pastoral leases) in Western Australia; 159 stations are in the Northern Rangelands (Kimberley and Pilbara - 92 in the Kimberley and the remainder in the Pilbara), 291 stations in the Southern Rangelands, and nine stations in the South West Land Division. These latter are generally grouped with the Southern Rangelands. In the Pilbara, there is a gradual change from hummock (mainly spinifex) or tussock grasses in the north to shrub-dominated understoreys (a mix of semi-arid mulga, spinifex and saltbush/bluebush vegetation communities) in southern parts. Consequently, assessment of range condition in the Pilbara and Kimberley is based on the frequency of perennial grasses, while that of the Southern Rangelands (or Shrublands) is determined by the density of shrub species. Ownership is variable, ranging from large corporate conglomerates, private companies, family operations, and indigenous organizations and, particularly in the Pilbara, mining companies.

Number of Pages



rangelands, condition monitoring, pastoral lands board, Commissioner of Soil and Land, pastoral leases, rangeland resource surveys, pastoral lease inspection program, Pastoral Lands Board


Environmental Indicators and Impact Assessment | Environmental Monitoring | Natural Resources Management and Policy


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