Publication Date



Western Australian Agriculture Authority




This report provides a regional overview of the trend in the pastoral rangelands of Western Australia, based on data from the Bureau of Meteorology, the Annual Return of Livestock and Improvements (submitted annually by pastoral lessees) and the Western Australian Rangeland Monitoring System (WARMS), for which data are available for over 20 years. The report provides a context for assessment of the range condition and trend of individual pastoral leases within defined regions of the state, as well as providing a current assessment of the status of each of the regions’ rangelands, and the drivers (both seasonal and managerial) affecting this status and its trend. Such information allows assessment of the environmental status within the pastoral rangelands, and identifies differences among regions in that status.

The 2015 report updates changes in the Western Australian pastoral rangelands at the Land Conservation District (LCD) scale, providing information on seasonal quality, stock numbers and changes in the density/frequency of perennial shrubs and grasses. This report includes the most recently collected data where sufficient sites in an LCD have been reassessed.

Number of Pages



rangelands, condition monitoring, pastoral lands board, Commissioner of Soil and Land, pastoral leases, rangeland resource surveys, pastoral lease inspection program, Pastoral Lands Board


Environmental Indicators and Impact Assessment | Environmental Monitoring | Natural Resources Management and Policy


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