Publication Date



State of Western Australia




This report updates the 2020 Rangelands annual report, the 2020 report outlines the condition, trend and risk of vegetation condition decline of pastoral rangelands in WA, based on the information available to September 2020. This 2021 report summaries the findings of the 2020 report and provides updated information on seasonal conditions in 2021 and stocking rates in 2020.

DPIRD produces a full report on the condition, trend and risk status of the WA pastoral rangelands every five years and provides updates on an annual basis. It is expected that the monitoring and assessment protocols used to generate future annual condition reports will continue to be refined with the implementation of the broader pastoral lands reform package, which includes using DPIRD’s risk-based monitoring, assessment and compliance framework, Framework for sustainable pastoral management (DPIRD 2019).

Number of Pages



rangelands, condition monitoring, pastoral lands board, pastoral leases, rangeland resource surveys, pastoral lease inspection program, Western Australian Rangeland Monitoring System


Environmental Indicators and Impact Assessment | Environmental Monitoring | Natural Resources Management and Policy


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