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A survey of the land resources of 36,343 ha covering the Carnarvon Land Conservation District and an adjoining portion of Boolathana station was conducted to assist future land use planning and management. This report describes the soil, landform and vegetation conditions of land units shown on an accompanying 1:50,000 scale map. These land units are components of land systems previously mapped at 1:250,000 scale for the Carnarvon Basin by Payne et al. (1987). As part of the study, further, more detailed land resource mapping and land capability assessments were conducted at specific locations. Land use planning and management considerations arising from that work have been extrapolated to the broader scale mapping herein covering the entire study area. The three major land use issues of concern are: • grazing or stockholding on special leases: • land release for horticulture; and • future urban development. The report provides a framework against which current and future land uses can be examined in relation to their compatibility with the condition and capability of the land resources. It is primarily intended as a reference document for people concerned with land use and land management decisions within the area. These include the Carnarvon Land Conservation District Committee; the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, rangeland advisers; land use planners and land administrators.


Land use planning, Land capability, Land resources, Rural planning, Western Australia, Carnarvon region (WA), Boolathana Station (WA)


Agriculture | Natural Resources Management and Policy


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Land Resources Carnarvon and Part of Boolathana station- Land systems Map

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