Home > Agriculture > Series4 > Vol. 5 > No. 8
Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4
Volume 5, Number 8
August, 1964
Front Matter
The 1964 Ord River cotton crop
G D. Oliver and A. W. Hogstrom
Lawns : their establishment and management
H G. Elliott and F. E. Ryan
Broom rape
Department of Agriculture, Western Australia
Oedema disease : a cause of death of pigs in W.A
J Armstrong and P. Meyer
Silage making in the lower South-West
A L. Hamilton
Citrus water spot
H L. Harvey
Plant pathologist retires
Department of Agriculture, Western Australia
Black spot of roses
G C. MacNish
Range feeding of cotton by-products in the Kimberleys
John Hubert Auty
Have the best of light in your home
M S. Pickett
Seventh random sample laying test : 1963-64 : Poultry Research Station, Wembley : fourth progressive report to 31st May, 1964
Department of Agriculture, Western Australia
Editor: E.H. Lawson
Cover picture: The advantages of a good lawn are well demonstrated in this month’s cover picture of an attractive home in Mt Pleasant. Anybody can grow a good lawn, according to the authors of an article in this issue, which describes the establishment and maintenance of lawns for all purposes.
The Chief Executive Officer of the Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia and the State of Western Australia accept no liability whatsoever by reason of negligence or otherwise arising from the use or release of this information or any part of it. The information in this journal was correct at time of publication. For updated and current information please go to the department's website at https://www.agric.wa.gov.au