Home > Agriculture > Series4 > Vol. 40 > No. 1
Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4
Volume 40, Number 1
Journal of Agriculture, 1998/1999
Front Matter
Focus on export potential with Focus Taiwan
Soon C. Tan
Transgenic cotton research paves the way for a new industry in the Kimberley
Geoff Strickland and Amanda Annells
Improving feed grains
Bruce P. Mullan
Profit from pastures
Mark Callow and Martin van Houtert
Carrot export growth depends on keeping cavity spot under control
Allan McKay and Elaine Davison
Managing lupin Anthracnose
Greg Shea, W A. Cowling, B J. Burchell, D Luckett, H Yang, Mark W. Sweetingham, and Geoff J. Thomas
Airborne geophysics looks promising for catchment management
Richard J. George Dr and Russell Speed
Eradicating virulent footrot from Western Australia
R K. Mitchell
Accelerating variety release with double haploids
Sue Broughton
Edited and published by the Public Affairs Unit, Agriculture Western Australia.
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