Home > Agriculture > Series4 > Vol. 4 > No. 6
Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4
Volume 4, Number 6
June, 1963
Front Matter
Grow more wool
W L. McGarry and R. J. Lightfoot
Wild oats in wheat
J G. Paterson
Septoria leaf blotch of oats
S C. Chambers
Cultivate saltland and protect it from grazing
Department of Agriculture, Western Australia
Avian leucosis and fowl paralysis
M R. Gardiner
Sixth random sample laying test : 1962-63
Department of Agriculture, Western Australia
Removing sooty mould on oranges
Department of Agriculture, Western Australia
Vermin control this month
Department of Agriculture, Western Australia
Anticoagulants for the control of rats and mice
C D. Gooding
Nutrition : and ideas for mutton dishes
Department of Agriculture, Western Australia

Editor: E.H. Lawson
Cover picture: The pear-fruited gum is named Eucalyptus stoatei in honour of a former Conservator of Forests in Western Australia, Dr T N Stoate. He first discovered it in the Ravensthorpe District to which it is restricted. This attractive species is dealt with in the Journal of Agriculture, August 1952, under No 5 of the series “Trees of Western Australia”.
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