Home > Agriculture > Series4 > Vol. 26 > No. 3
Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4
Volume 26, Number 3
Front Matter
Improved catchments for farm dams
I A F Laing
Water supplies : dams and roaded catchments
W J. Burdass, T. R. Negus, A. L. Prout, and I. A. F. Laing
Drought proofing the farm : case studies
J L. Frith
Northern wheatbelt water supply study
I A F Laing and R. M. Pridham
Underground water supplies in the wheatbelt
T T. Bestow
Chemical sealing of earth dams
R G. Pepper
Editor: G.P. Ayling
Design: L.T. Webb, J.S. Mallard
Cover: Toodyay rural scene. Photograph by Simon Eyres
The Chief Executive Officer of the Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia and the State of Western Australia accept no liability whatsoever by reason of negligence or otherwise arising from the use or release of this information or any part of it. The information in this journal was correct at time of publication. For updated and current information please go to the department's website at https://www.agric.wa.gov.au