Home > Agriculture > Series4 > Vol. 20 > No. 3
Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4
Volume 20, Number 3
Front Matter
Lupin yields are not what they should be : viewpoint
M Ferguson and S. Trevenen
Lupins : a southern viewpoint
S J. Trevenen
Fumigating a farm to control grain insects
J H. Moulden
How saltland can be reclaimed
A J. Peck
The causes of saltland : a case study at Esperance
P R. George and S. C. Bull
Managing water-repellent soils
D A. McGhie
Diagnosing pregnancy in sheep : the 'Scanopreg'
R H. Wroth and M. J. McCallum
A new tissue test for accurate diagnosis of copper deficiency in cereals
J W. Gartrell, A. D. Robson, and J. F. Loneragan
Ryegrass toxicity organism found on other grasses
D L. Chatel, J. L. Wise, and A. G. Marfleet
Saving the state from rabbits
Department of Agriculture, Western Australia
The place for annual brome grass
G W. Anderson
Pulling the wool off
Department of Agriculture, Western Australia
Editor: D. Rees
Cover: A farm scene near the Bejoording siding
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