Home > Agriculture > Series4 > Vol. 19 > No. 2
Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4
Volume 19, Number 2
Front Matter
How efficient are seeding operations : Kondinin work study
E J. Roberts, C. R. Lester, and J. E. Young
Farm syndication has advantages
G T. Kennedy
Moore : a high yielding oat for the west Midlands and west Great Southern
Department of Agriculture, Western Australia
Producing 20-month old beef steers off annual pasture
K D. Greathead, D. J. Barker, and W. J. Ryan
Apple orchards to take a new look
J E L Cripps
Progress in clover scorch research
A Bokor, D. L. Chatel, and D. A. Nicholas
Trials indicate best lupin seeding rates
G H. Walton
The potential for avocados in Western Australia
Michael Gregory Hawson
Editor: D Rees
Cover picture: The red apple – part of the changing orchard scene. (Story page 50)
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