Home > Agriculture > Series3 > Vol. 4 > No. 6
Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 3
Volume 4, Number 6
November-December, 1955
Front Matter
Insect pests and their control - New host records for Mediterranean fruit fly in Western Australia
C. F. H. Jenkins
Trapping yards for kangaroos
C. D. Gooding and L. A. Harrison
Sturt peas for your garden
F. Bridgman
Weeds of Western Australia - Geraldton carnation weed or false caper (Euphorbia terracina L.)
G. R. W. Meadly
The handling, presentation and storage of stone fruits
F. Melville and J. S. Bloomfield
Paratyphoid (Salmonellosis) in sheep
C. R. Toop
Rabbit damage to pastures
C. D. Gooding
A simple aid to footrot control
J. A. Mallett

Editor: J.A. Mallett
Cover: "A foliage-framed glimpse of the Ord River at Carlton Reach, East Kimberley. By the construction of a dam across the Ord River where it passes through a gorge in the Carr Boyd Range, it is envisaged that large areas of blacksoil plain could be irrigated for tropical agriculture. "
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