Home > Agriculture > Series3 > Vol. 4 > No. 2
Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 3
Volume 4, Number 2
March-April, 1955
Front Matter
Producing poultry meat for profit
D. K. Giles
The Red spider - Tetranychus telarius (L)*
C.F. H. Jenkins
Seed quality
G.R W. Meadly
Two promising new cocksfoot - For possible early release in the dairying areas.
F. Bridgman and R. Woodward
Wild radish (Raphanus raphanistrum L.)
G.R.W. Meadly
Animal quarantine
C. R. Toop
Phosphorus supplements for dairy cows
L. C. Snook
Rearing calves without milk
L. C. Snook D.Sc.
Self help in soil conservation
Soil Conservation Service
Poison plants of Western Australia - Cabbage poison (Velleia discophora F. Muell.)
C. A. Gardner and H. W. Bennetts
Bacterial cultures - A service discontinued
W. P. Cass Smith
Cereal variety trials - Results for 1954/55 season
F. L. Shier and J. Reeves
As cunning as a fox
A. R. Tomlinson
A further chemical trial with doublegee (Emex Australis)
G.R W. Meadly and G. A. Pearce
Farm and Home
Brenda Cleeve
Gerberas have many fine qualities
C. C. Hillary
The Lakeland tomato
D. A. Johnston
Vaccines and vaccination
C. R. Toop

Editor: J.A. Mallett
Cover: "A group of young Poll Hereford bulls enjoy a supplementary ration at the Pardelup Prison Farm. The farm maintains a Poll Hereford stud in addition to pig studs and a large dairy herd. "
The Chief Executive Officer of the Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia and the State of Western Australia accept no liability whatsoever by reason of negligence or otherwise arising from the use or release of this information or any part of it. The information in this journal was correct at time of publication. For updated and current information please go to the department's website at https://www.agric.wa.gov.au