Home > Agriculture > Series3 > Vol. 4 > No. 1
Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 3
Volume 4, Number 1
January-February, 1955
Front Matter
Wild dogs and dingoes in Western Australia
A R. Tomlinson
Weeds of Western Australia—noogoora burr
G R. W Meadly
Wheel slip in tractor operation
F R. Stanley
Clover disease : Practical Findings and Recommendation for Control
F L. Shier and R C. Rossiter
Maize grain trial
F E. Ryan
Insect pest and their control - The climbing cutworm
C F.H Jenkins
Buffel grass
K Fitzgerald
Leucosis in fowls
P M. A. Harwood
Lice and tick in sheep
C. R. Troop and W. L. McGarry
Shearing Schools - A successful innovation
W. L. McGarry, J. Reilly, and M. Butler
The loss in weight of stored Jonathon apples
F. Melville
Editor: J.A. Mallett
Cover: "At a time when most pasture paddocks are dry and brown, a portion of the Denmark Research Station herd of pedigreed Guernseys find lush deep grazing in the 'Deep South'. "
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