Guidelines for wheat yield loss

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Agricultural Science


Wheat production constraints, MyPaddock, rules of thumb, yield loss, wheat yield, rainfed wheat, decision tool


Agronomy and Crop Sciences


In most cases there is more than one constraint to dryland or rainfed crop production in the field. However, relative impact of the limiting factors varies according to nature and intensity of the constraint. In order to rank constraints according to the predicted level of potential yield loss due to given constraints present in a given season in a given field, a new decision tool named ‘MyPaddock’ has been developed and released in Western Australia. ( It has been primarily developed for retrospective analysis of yield loss although majority guidelines can be equally well used in making pre-season predictions. Output of this decision tool, is a colour coded display similar to a typical traffic light system. The decision tool uses a range of models and guidelines for calculating likely yield loss under the input level of biophysical variables. This paper documents such background information, guidelines, models and critical intervals used in the wheat module of this decision tool. The information contained in this paper is potentially useful for understanding and interpreting model outputs and as a teaching tool.


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