Publication Date
State of Western Australia (Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development)
The horticulture sector in Western Australia (WA) produces high quality fruit, vegetables, nuts and amenity horticulture. Western Australians benefit from consuming this steady supply of diverse, affordable and sustainably grown fresh fruit and vegetables. Amenity horticulture, in the form of parks and gardens, adds a great richness to the quality of life in WA.
It is estimated that WA produced $1.75 billion worth of fruit, vegetables, nuts and amenity horticulture in 2022–23. The real value1 of production at the wholesale level increased by 4% when compared to the 2020 figures presented in the report, Situation analysis of horticulture in Western Australia. WA farmers produced $831 million worth of vegetables, $580 million of fruit and $343 million of nuts and amenity horticulture. Carrots were the largest vegetable crop both by quantity and value, constituting 13% of the total value of vegetables. However, when fresh market (ware) and seed potatoes are combined, the potato industry is valued at $126 million, which is 15% of the total value of vegetables. Avocados were the largest fruit crop, representing 21% of the total value of fruit production.
Number of Pages
horticulture, Western Australia, fruit, vegetables, nuts, amenity horticulture
Agricultural Economics | Fruit Science | Horticulture
Recommended Citation
Radhakrishnan, M,
Prince, R.
(2024), Value of horticulture industries in Western Australia 2022-2023. State of Western Australia (Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development), Perth. Report.
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