
Key points: 2022 stock assessment outcomes:

  • The Gascoyne Demersal Scalefish Resource (GDSR) comprises more than 60 species inhabiting Gascoyne oceanic waters (excluding inner Shark Bay), with pink snapper and goldband snapper recognised as the two indicator species.
  • Oceanic pink snapper is five years into a 20-year recovery plan following a 2017 stock assessment that showed the stock was at severe risk.
  • The GDSR oceanic pink snapper recovery plan is based on limiting the annual total fishing mortality of oceanic pink snapper to 100 tonnes (all sectors combined) and providing targeted protection for key spawning aggregations.
  • The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) tracks stock status by undertaking weight-of-evidence stock assessments of GDSR indicator species every 5 years.
  • This latest assessment provides a ‘health check’ on the status of goldband snapper and on the recovery progress of oceanic pink snapper in the GDSR.
  • The 2022 stock assessment shows that goldband snapper remains sustainable and there are some early signs of recovery of oceanic pink snapper.
  • The 2022 stock assessment shows that management changes in 2018 have successfully increased spawning biomass of oceanic pink snapper above the Limit refence point, however, it has not yet fully recovered to sustainable levels.
  • Oceanic pink snapper is expected to continue to rebuild at a satisfactory rate over the next five years under current fishing mortality limits and level of spawning protection.
  • The next GDSR stock assessment is scheduled for 2027.

Publication Date



Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia



Number of Pages



Gascoyne Demersal Scalefish Resource, GDSR, Western Australia, management arrangements, stock assessments, commercial fisheries, recreational fisheries


Aquaculture and Fisheries | Environmental Indicators and Impact Assessment | Environmental Monitoring | Natural Resources Management and Policy | Sustainability
