Publication Date
Series Number
Fisheries Research Report No. 246
Government of Western Australia Department of Fisheries
1035 - 4549
The status of the popular nearshore finfish resource in the West Coast Bioregion (WCB) of Western Australia (WA) was largely unknown prior to this study. Previously, declining catches of several nearshore species had highlighted the risk to their sustainability and the need for greater certainty about their status. Recently, the risk further increased due to management changes in the WCB aimed at reducing the catch of demersal scalefish, which are likely to result in a shift in targeting towards nearshore species. This increase in fishing pressure on nearshore species will be on top of any increase due to the continuing human population growth in the WCB.
Number of Pages
West Coast Bioregion - Fisheries - Western Australia; South Coast Bioregion - Fisheries - Western Australia. ; Australian herring ; Arripis georgianus ; Fishery biology; Stock assessment; Recruitment; Life history; Fishery surveys; Fisheries; Commercial fishing; Recreational fishing; Catch and effort; Western Australia; Fishery management; Recruitment; Recreational fishery statistics; Recreational fishing; Percoid fisheries; Fishery statistics
Aquaculture and Fisheries
Recommended Citation
Smith, K., Brown, J., Lewis, P., Dowling, C., Howard, A., Lenanton, R., and Molony, B. 2013. Status of nearshore finfish stocks in south-western Western Australia Part 1: Australian herring. Fisheries Research Report No. 246. Department of Fisheries, Western Australia. 200pp.