Publication Date
Series Number
Fisheries Research Report No. 214
Government of Western Australia Department of Fisheries
1035 - 454
Objectives 1. Test the robustness of statistical procedures to identify impacts of multi-sector fishing on community composition using existing fishery data. 2. Assess the level of change in community composition in each bioregion of WA during the previous 30 years. 3. Identify key data to which ecosystem structure and management strategies are most sensitive and which should be collected in the future. 4. Identify critical changes in exploitation and/or environment that would impact marine ecosystems markedly. 5. Identify areas where more detailed research and/or monitoring are needed.
Number of Pages
Fisheries; Ecosystems; Ecosystem management; Fishery management; Fishery data; Catch statistics; Community composition; Trophic levels; Western Australia
Aquaculture and Fisheries
Recommended Citation
Hall, N.G. and Wise, B.S. 2011. Development of an ecosystem approach to the monitoring and management of Western Australian fisheries. FRDC Report – Project 2005/063. Fisheries Research Report No. 215. Department of Fisheries, Western Australia. 112pp.
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