Publication Date
Series Number
Fisheries Research Report No. 345
State of Western Australia (Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development)
Ongoing monitoring of recreational fisheries in the Metropolitan zone is essential to ensure the sustainable use of fisheries resources. Surveys of shore- and boat-based recreational fishers within the Metropolitan zone of the West Coast bioregion provide information on human dimensions and catch-per-fisher as well as mean length and weight of key recreationally caught species. For shore-based fishers, estimates of fishing effort, catch and harvest are also presented for key nearshore species. Information in this report is used to support ongoing assessments for key nearshore species and inform the development and evaluation of harvest strategies and other management actions, such as for Australian Herring and Southern Garfish.
A roving creel survey was used to collect data from shore-based fishers between Ocean Reef and Point Peron (30% of coastline within the Metropolitan Zone) from February to June 2024. Estimates of fishing effort and catch therefore align with the spatio-temporal sampling frame of this survey. An access point (boat ramp) survey was used to collect data from boat-based fishers at key boat ramps between Two Rocks and Mandurah from January to July 2024. These data are considered to be representative of the entire Metropolitan zone.
Number of Pages
recreational fisheries, Metropolitan zone, sustainability, fisheries resources, shore-based fishers, boat-based fishers, survey, catch and effort
Aquaculture and Fisheries | Environmental Monitoring | Natural Resources Management and Policy
Recommended Citation
Tate, A.C., Smallwood, C.B. and Ryan, K.L. 2025. Metropolitan Monitoring Program 2024. Fisheries Research Report No. 345 Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia. 59 pp.
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Aquaculture and Fisheries Commons, Environmental Monitoring Commons, Natural Resources Management and Policy Commons