Publication Date


Series Number



Department of Fisheries, Western Australia




1 921258 54 3


1035 - 4549


Final FRDC Report – Project Number 2004/006

The second stage of the operation of the ESD Subprogram was successful, but compared to the focus during the first subprogram period, mostly in a consolidation manner rather than from the generation of significant new tools. This was necessary because it takes time to adopt and integrate significant changes to the methods of operation of agencies and industries. The policies must be there before any real activity can occur and we found that for the broader focused, cross fishery/cross sector applications of the framework, agencies were not in a position for much of the time to apply this.

There was also the need to get a level of harmonization of policy and processes amongst agencies – especially between fishery and environment agencies before these broader frameworks can be applied in an effective manner. Such discussions are now occurring in some jurisdictions and these regional types of frameworks are therefore becoming more relevant to their operations and it is likely that they will be used with increasing frequency over the coming few years.

The projects and processes undertaken through the ESD subprogram (and related activities) have overall, been successful. It has provided the basis to demonstrate whether management has credibility with the issues of resource sustainability, functional ecosystem relationships and habitat processes such as is needed to meet the requirements of the Commonwealth’s EPBC assessment. Most jurisdictions are now using the tools and frameworks developed by the subprogram or related projects.

The benefits of the subprogram are summarized as:

• The coordination and facilitation of the development of ESD related tools and processes. • A vehicle for the extension and promotion of the tools, concepts and processes generated by the subprogram and it’s related projects.

• Providing a forum for high level discussion on ESD related issues and concepts.

• Providing a credible authority and legitimacy of recommendations for some purposes.

• Provision of a group of experts on ESD related issues for input into other purposes and processes.

Number of Pages



Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Ecologically Sustainable Development, Ecosystem Based Fisheries Management, Ecosystem Approaches; Risk Assessment, fisheries management, reporting frameworks, social and economic assessments


Aquaculture and Fisheries | Environmental Indicators and Impact Assessment | Natural Resources Management and Policy | Sustainability
