Publication Date


Series Number



Department of Fisheries, Western Australia


Perth, Western Australia


1 921258 25X


1035 - 4549


The catch of finfish from the Houtman Abrolhos Islands was estimated for recreational boats, tour operators, commercial rock lobster fishers and occupants of their camps on the islands. Separate methods were used for each of the different sectors due to the variation in fishing activities. Recreational boats and commercial rock lobster fishers were surveyed to determine catches, whereas the catches by tour operator and commercial wet-line fishers were determined from their compulsory catch and effort returns submitted to the Department of Fisheries.

The reported commercial wetline catch for pink snapper, sweetlip emperor and Western Australian dhufish greatly exceeded the combined catch from the other sectors. The commercial wetline catch of pink snapper comprised 69.9 tonnes out of a total catch of 85.7 tonnes. The commercial wetline catch of sweetlip emperor comprised 61.0 tonnes out of a total catch of 66.0 tonnes. The commercial wetline catch of dhufish comprised 27.9 tonnes out of a total catch of 39.0 tonnes Baldchin groper was also a major component of the catch from the islands.

Baldchin groper was the dominant species caught by persons staying at the commercial rock lobster fisher’s camps on the islands (27.6 tonnes). Baldchin groper was also caught by commercial wetline fishers (15.1 tonnes), as by-product in rock lobster pots (11.7 tonnes), by recreational boats (8.3 tonnes) and tour operators (3.5 tonnes)

Number of Pages



Commercial wetline fishers, Tour operators, Finfish, Houtman Abrolhos, Commercial lobster fishery, Catch, Management


Aquaculture and Fisheries | Marine Biology | Natural Resources and Conservation | Natural Resources Management and Policy | Sustainability
