Publication Date
Series Number
Department of Fisheries, Western Australia
Perth, Western Australia
1 921258 19 5
1035 - 4549
Final FRDC Report - Project 2003/052
EDITORS: R. Lenanton, J. StJohn, I. Keay, C. Wakefield, G. Jackson, B. Wise and D. Gaughan
West Australian dhufish is endemic to shelf waters of south-western Western Australia (WA). In contrast, snapper (known as “pink snapper” in WA) has a continuous distribution around the southern coastline of mainland Australia and in New Zealand. Dhufish and snapper are the two most important exploited demersal scalefish species in the West Coast Bioregion (WCB) of WA, which extends from Kalbarri (27°S) to Augusta (35°S). This study examined regional variation in the biology of the two species, their stock structure and assessed the status of these stocks in the WCB. Part 1 of this report focussed on the stock assessment, which utilized the results from the research on biology and stock structure. This second part of the report presents the full results of the biology and stock structure.
During the course of this project the results on the biology and stock structure of dhufish and snapper have been presented to a range of stakeholders at public meetings to provide the basic tenets of fish biology and how these relate to the interpretation of scientific results and fishery management options. This direct communication with stakeholders helped increase their understanding of fisheries science and management. This developed into an ongoing cycle of iterative provision of scientific advice, development of management options and consideration of stakeholder opinions. This cycle has continued up to the present time, with the results from this study continuing to provide the scientific basis for objective consideration of a range of potential management measures required to meet the sustainability needs of the key west coast demersal scalefish resources.
Number of Pages
Pink snapper, Snapper, West Australian dhufish, Stock structure, Reproduction, Spawning, Age, Growth, Management.
Aquaculture and Fisheries | Marine Biology | Natural Resources and Conservation | Natural Resources Management and Policy | Sustainability
Recommended Citation
Lenanton, R., StJohn, J. (Project Principal Investigator 2003-07), Keay, I., Wakefield, C., Jackson, G., Wise, B. and Gaughan, D. (2009). Spatial scales of exploitation among populations of demersal scalefish: implications for management. Part 2: Stock structure and biology of two indicator species, West Australian dhufish (Glaucosoma hebraicum) and pink snapper (Pagrus auratus), in the West Coast Bioregion. Final report to Fisheries Research and Development Corporation on Project No. 2003/052. Fisheries Research Report No. 174. Department of Fisheries, Western Australia. 187p.
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