Publication Date


Series Number



Department of Fisheries, Western Australia




0642 55195 2


1035 - 4549


Final report to the Australian Government, Department of the Environment and Heritage

The first phase of this project involved a desktop study to broadly identify areas where Western Australian Grey Nurse Sharks potentially aggregate for further investigation with field surveys. These areas were identified from information obtained from commercial shark fishers, previously unpublished research data, as well as anecdotal reports of sightings or captures from recreational divers and fishers, professional dive stores, dive clubs and charter boat operators. A total of 25 survey areas were identified during the desktop study, 16 of which were in depths less than 30m and 9 in depths greater than 30m. During the second phase of the project, visual diver surveys were conducted at 9 sites in the North West Cape area and 5 sites in the Cape Leeuwin area. Although the physical characteristics of diver survey sites were similar to those of Grey Nurse Shark aggregation sites elsewhere, no Grey Nurse Sharks were observed. Remote Operated Vehicle surveys of deep-water sites could not be undertaken due to unfavourable weather conditions and equipment failure. Despite this study being unable to confirm the location of Grey Nurse Shark aggregations off WA, potential aggregation areas identified during the desktop study, provide some guidance for future surveys. Furthermore, the information collected during this project confirms that Grey Nurse Sharks remain widely distributed along the WA coast and are still regularly encountered, albeit with low and indeterminate frequency.

Number of Pages



Grey Nurse Shark, Western Australia, Surveys, Cape Leeuwin, North West Cape (Western Australia)


Aquaculture and Fisheries | Marine Biology | Natural Resources and Conservation | Natural Resources Management and Policy | Sustainability

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