Publication Date
Series Number
Department of Fisheries
Perth, Western Australia
1 921258 39 X
1035 - 4549
This report summarises the performance indicators (PIs) and biological reference points (BRPs) developed from standardised catch per unit effort (SCPUE) models of the Western Australian abalone fisheries. It also outlines analysis and consultation processes used to construct these indicators. Other PIs, such as those relating to harvest rate and recruitment, will be developed when more fishery independent data becomes available.
A comprehensive 7-step process was utilised to develop PIs.
1) The Abalone Management and Advisory Committee (AbMac) considered options and advised that in the short-term, catch and effort trends be reviewed with other potential indicators to be considered at a future date.
2) A phone questionnaire was to obtain information on factors that affect fishing efficiency was completed.
3) Feedback from this questionnaire was used to develop a preliminary SCPUE model for each fishery. This was undertaken using a Generalised Linear Model (GLM) analysis of fishers’ daily catch rate (catch per hour) taking into account factors, year, month, sub-area, diver, GPS technology, and internet weather prediction services. The least-squares mean for the year effects provided the SCPUE.
4) A second questionnaire detailed the preliminary PIs, and biological reference points. Feedback from this 2nd questionnaire was coordinated though the Performance Indicator Reference Group (PIRG).
5) Three technical briefings were held for stakeholders who raised concerns and suggested changes to the SCPUE model to make the indicators, and the reference points arising from them, more robust.
6) The final system, with the proposed amendments to the SCPUE models, were applied in the 2008/09 TAC assessment process as a test, and compared with existing performance indicators.
7) The PIRG reviewed the PIs in February 2008, and recommended to AbMac they be adopted in-principle as tools to assist in TAC assessment and management, providing that the limitations continued to be recognised, and subject to regular (3-year) review.
Number of Pages
Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, abalone, catch per effort, Haliotis laevigata, Haliotis roei, Haliotis conicopora
Aquaculture and Fisheries | Environmental Sciences
Recommended Citation
Hart, A., Fabris, F. and Caputi, N. 2009. Performance indicators, biological reference points and decision rules for Western Australian abalone fisheries (Haliotis sp.): (1) Standardised catch per unit effort. Fisheries Research Report No. 185. Department of Fisheries, Western Australia. 32p.