Publication Date
Series Number
Department of Fisheries
Perth, Western Australia
1 921258 28 4
1035 - 4549
GRDC Project UWA00062: Development of value-added plant protein products for the aquaculture feeds sector
FRDC Project 2004-236: Aquaculture Nutrition Subprogram - Evaluation of Value-added Grain Protein Products for Atlantic Salmon and Black Tiger Prawns
1. Development of value-added lupin protein product(s) for use in the animal feeds sector.
2. Evaluation of the nutritional value of a range of value-added lupin protein products when fed to fish.
3. Commercial transfer of intellectual property for development of new-product(s).
4. To determine the nutritional value of selected grain products developed as part of the linked CLIMA-GRDC project, when included in feeds for Black tiger prawns and Atlantic salmon.
5. To evaluate any potential nutritional limitations of the grain products in aquaculture feeds.
6. To provide grain producers, grain processors, aquaculture feed manufacturers and the prawn and salmon aquaculture industries with information about the nutritional characteristics and quality assurance criteria of grain products so that they can be marketed and used with confidence in aquaculture feed formulations.
This program represents a major collaborative initiative between the Grains and Fisheries Research and Development Corporations. It has engaged seven different research providers and three industrial collaborators in achieving its outcomes. Numerous findings were encountered through this program, which are collated in this report.
Number of Pages
Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, near-infrared spectroscopy, lupin kernel meal
Aquaculture and Fisheries | Natural Resources Management and Policy
Recommended Citation
Glencross, B.D. (Editor) 2008. Aquaculture Feed Grains Program. Final report to Grains and Fisheries Research and Development Corporation. Fisheries Research Report No. 178, Department of Fisheries, Western Australia, 512p.
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