Publication Date
Series Number
Department of Fisheries
Perth, Western Australia
1 877098 11 6
1035 - 4549
The characteristics used to identify 19 developmental stages of preserved eggs of snapper, Pagrus auratus, collected from Shark Bay, Western Australia, during annual plankton surveys, are described and illustrated. A key is provided to enable the age of each egg stage to be estimated based on sea surface temperature and salinity observed during sampling. This report is intended as a reference for inexperienced staff, to ensure that between-year comparisons of snapper spawning biomass, estimated using the daily egg production method, are based on consistent egg staging and ageing methods.
Number of Pages
Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Pagrus auratus, annual stock assessment surveys, daily egg production method
Aquaculture and Fisheries | Environmental Sciences | Marine Biology | Research Methods in Life Sciences
Recommended Citation
Norriss, J.V. and Jackson, G. 2002. Identifying the developmental stages of preserved eggs of snapper, Pagrus auratus, from Shark Bay, Western Australia, Fisheries Research Report No. 142, Department of Fisheries, Western Australia, 29p.
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Aquaculture and Fisheries Commons, Environmental Sciences Commons, Marine Biology Commons, Research Methods in Life Sciences Commons